How can I block use of ADB?

Andoff has a toggle for this in Advanced Mode.

  1. Start Andoff

  2. Click the Gear icon.

  3. Ensure “Turn on advanced mode” is toggled on.

  4. Click Back to see the Protection Features view.

  5. Scroll down to the General section and enable the toggle named “Disallow using developer options”.

How can I block the Repair App?

You can block the Repair App ( in Andoff.

  1. Block Apps.

  2. Search for “repair”.

  3. Block it!

Does Andoff always block the installation of new apps?

No. Andoff can be configured to allow or block installation of new apps.

Can Andoff block the camera?

No, not yet.

Feel free to suggest a feature.

I factory reset my device and now I am stuck; is my device recoverable?

If you have enabled hard reset protection, and then you factory reset your device anyway, then as far as we know, your device is fit only for two things:

  1. an electronics recycling center

  2. donation to the Andoff device recovery team for futher investigation.

Option #2 requires shipping the device to the Andoff team (located in the USA and Germany) because physical access is necessary to investigate whether recovery is possible with different models.

If you would like to donate your device to further such research, contact us for our address.

How can I restore my account data such as SMS messages after installing Andoff?

It depends on the version of Android, and on how you backed up your account data in the first place.

TODO: describe more here.

Can Andoff block Chrome?


Can Andoff block Samsung Internet?


Can Andoff block any app?

Mostly. Some low-level system apps are excluded because if they are blocked, it might trigger an unrecoverable boot loop.

Do I have to factory reset my phone?

You can also try ADB, but be sure to back up your data first.

Last updated: 2025-01-11